Another Book Review

You’ve guessed it, I’m obsessed with reading… but this time I’m only going to talk about one book series. 

The author that I’m talking about is called Mona Kasten. She is from Germany but you can get her book “Begin Again” in English.

The Again series is also the book series which I’m going to talk about :)
No spoilers of course ;) 

First One: Begin Again

This one is about Allie Harper and Kaden White. Allie wants to start all over again and because of that she is moving to Woodshill with a completely new look (Name as well as Hair). In Woodshill she is going to study in College and because of that she is searching for a flat. Every Apartment that she looked at wasn’t the right thing and her last hope is the room in a shared apartment. Sadly Kaden is the one who owns that place and nothing good is going to happen if she stays in that apartment with that tattooed bad boy. Kaden doesn’t have a choice and so he sets some rules and the most important one is that the both of them never start a thing with each other. That is more complicated than it sounds because Allie eventually feels something and that’s absolutely not good. But if that is not complicated enough Kaden has a past too and not an easy one too. 

Second: Trust Again

This one is about Dawn (Allie’s best friend) and Spencer Cosgrove (Kaden’s best buddy). Dawn writes erotic fiction books and nobody really knows what books she is really writing. When Dawn meets Spencer she knows she has a problem because Spencer flirts with her from the beginning. Dawn is still hurt because of her ex-boyfriend and never wants to feel such a pain again. A new relationship is a no go. But Spencer doesn’t stop because he never felt such a thing before. Dawn is slowly discovering that Spencer has a past too and that he has problems too so she can’t let go of him and their future that may be happening. 

Last One:  Feel Again

That one is about Sawyer Dixon (Dawn’s Roommate) and Isaac Grant (also a friend of Dawns). Sawyer is not like other girls, she looks different (but in a cool and unique way) and she behaves differently. Sawyer’s parents also died and that changed her. Normally Sawyer hangs around with bad boys but Isaac is kind of a nerd (easily noticeable because of his glasses) but he wants to change and is ready for a girlfriend. He and Sawyer make a deal: Sawyer helps Isaac to become a bad boy and that change is going to be documented as Sawyer’s Photo Project. But no one expected the feelings that would come up between them both.  

I really enjoyed those books the only thing that bothered me in the first two books is that every time, only one person said “I love you” and the other one never said it back (that was a little frustrating but that’s just my opinion). But overall those books are great and I can highly recommend them. What I love about reading is that some authors make you read the whole book in one reading session and Mona does that really really well. I couldn’t stop till I finished the book and it was so thrilling.Well done Mona!  
Did I also mention that Mona basically has the same music taste as me :) … Okay every girl likes some boy bands or singers. And on the first page Mona also recommends some music that goes with that book and I totally agree with those tracks (amazing!)

Lately I’m also thinking about the things I would write differently in the books that I read and that makes me wanna write my own one, maybe a stupid idea and not an easy one either but also an exciting one.   


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