Blackberry Chesscake

It`s blackberry season...yay
As there are so many 
I thought, let's make a cake 

There is a blackberry layer in the cake
which makes it fresher 

28cm cake tin
prep time: 25 minutes, cooking time: 20-25 minutes
What you will need:

 2 Eggs
2 tablespoons hot water (not boiling)
75g Sugar
1 sachet Vanilla Sugar
100g Flour
1 teaspoon baking powder

For the filling:

500g Blackberries
3 sheets gelatin
200g cream cheese
400g whipping cream
50g Sugar 

For the glaze:

100g Blackberries
50g Sugar
1 sachet glaze powder
3 tablespoons Sugar

To do:

Preheat the oven to 180°C/370°F/GM 4
For the sponge you have to mix the eggs with the hot water till it's foamy. Add the Sugar and the Vanilla Sugar slowly into the egg mixture. Add the flour and the baking powder in two parts, carefully.
Put the mixture into the tin and bake it for 20 to 25 minutes.
Let it cool down and put an adjustable mousse cake ring around the cake. 
Put the 500g of blackberries on the cake.

But the gelatin sheets into a bowl with a little bit of water and let it sit for around 5 minutes.
 Squeeze the leftover water out and put the sheets into a pan. On a low heat, melt the gelatin.
Meanwhile mix 100g of whipping cream, the cream cheese and the sugar together.
Put the mixture tablespoon wise into the galantine, but carefully.
Put the mixture into the fridge and wait till it gets a little bit thicker.
Beat the rest of the whipping cream together.

Put the whipping cream into the gelatin mixture...also carefully and put it on the cake.
Now you have to wait at least one hour, till the cake is hardened in the fridge.

Enjoy your baking break.

For the glaze you have to purée the blackberries and sift the seeds out.
Add the sugar and fill the mixture with water, till it is 250ml.
Add the glaze powder and the sugar and cook the mixture till little bubbles appear.
Put the glaze tablespoon wise on the cake and with the handle of the spoon you can marble the cake.
Let it cool till the glaze is hardened.

Now you can enjoy your fresh handmade cake.

thanks for reading.


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