New Book Discoveries and Favourites

Atm I’m literally obsessed with reading. I always fought I`m a slow reader but hell no, I can finish a book in a day and that’s not normal for me. I discovered some new authors that are just amazing their stories are amazing and I really mean it…just can’t stop.
So let’s not mess around 
here are my new discoveries:

As a part of Zoella’s Book Club I discovered Giovanna Fletcher and here amazing books (I’m going to say amazing a lot…sorry).

Billy and Me is about Sophie. Sophie is working in a local tea shop on a hill whilst a movie is filmed in her town. One day Billy, a famous actor, visits the tea shop and meets Sophie. They fall in Love but it’s not an easy relationship, Billy is constantly working and his life is a complete opposite to Sophies. If they can combine their two live styles?
You have to read those books  (Always with Love – The second part).

Next one is
Calendar Girl by Audrey Carlan

I can tell you Audrey’s writing style is amazing and I can’t stop reading till I know how the book ends.
The Book follows Mia Saunders and her way. Mia’s Dad has a debt but he can’t pay it back because Mia’s ex beat him up. Mia has to make a decision and this decision is to work for her Aunt Millie and her Escort business. Customers (not really a fitting description) pay her $100,000 per month to be seen with her and to have some company (sex is optional and Mia’s own decision but it is also payed with an extra). Mia tries to close her heart but if she can hold onto her intention is doubtful as she meets Wes the super-hot surfer boy.

Also by Audrey Carlan

Gillian Callahan is a victim of domestic abuse and over the years she tries to forget or live with her past. She’s working for the Safe Haven Foundation that also saved her life. In a bar she meets Chase Davis the super-hot rich protector. Is Gillian able to have a relationship with Chase or can’t she stand his protective instinct? Is her past catching up with her?
A really mind blowing book with love and a hint of action that makes you feel all of the emotions.

You guessed right
Resisting Roots (Part one from the Lotus House) by Audrey Carlan

Genevieve Harper lost her parents in an accident and now she has to mind her siblings and provide money for the family and there home. She works as a Yoga instructor and she also cuts hair in her garage. Trent Fox is a baseball legend and has to recover from an operation as a part of this process he has to take yoga sessions at Lotus House where he meets Genevieve. Trent is known for being a player but with Genevieve it’s different but can he be the right partner for her?

I also read the second part but it’s about Genevieve’s best friend Amber and her love story, sadly not about Genevieve’s future. But still a good book.

Last One is 
Mayhem by Jamie Shaw

Oh my Gosh I’m still an emotional wreck after reading this book. It’s just so relatable (and also not) and soooo cute. It’s about Rowan Michaels (yes that is a girl’s name, I think it’s just not common here) and a new chapter of her life. She just found her boyfriend in a bar cheating and leaves the club crying. A boy tries to make her happy again or at least make her forget. This boy is none other than Adam Everest, the lead singer of The Last Ones to Know. Adam names Rowan Peach and after this night their ways divide. In collage Rowan sees Adam again in their French class but does Adam remember her or did he move on.
I’m still thinking about what happened and it's soooo cute omg.

I hope you found some inspiration for your next book shopping time.
Let me now if you have any recommendations for me. 

All opinions are my own and there are no affiliated links 


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